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Subdivision- the process and steps to follow

Subdivision Success: That's what matters!

Property Subdivision permits require town planning knowledge and design skills. Free Site analysis by specialist!

Subdivision can be a simple 4 step process or a dual occupancy/townhouses may require Development Application first.

Property Development and Subdivision Services - Architecture, Town Planning , Building documents and Building
Are you thinking property  subdivision? We can help you with your subdivision project- from obtaining Council planning approvals to managing the whole process with our land surveying partner. What are the key subdivision steps? Read about them


Planning permit applications under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and certification applications under the Subdivision Act 1988 are processed and assessed by the Statutory Planning unit at your local Council.

Typically and simplistically the subdivision process  involves:


    • Apply for a  planning approval  for subdivision. When the permit  is granted it will contain  conditions which must be satisfied.

    • Council also certifies the plan of subdivision, which legally approves the subdivision under the Subdivision Act 1988

    • Thereafter the Applicant must meet the Permit conditions (eg installing the required services like sewer, power etc or  building crossover if required under the Permit). On completion  Statement of Compliance is  issued. 

    • A registered surveyor draws up the subdivision plan which is certified by Council.

    • Your conveyancer or representative can then lodge the  certified Plan of Subdivision and Compliance Certificate with  Land Victoria, which allows new titles to be issued for each lot created under the subdivision.  Read on for More information.

What is the Town Planning process? Read about it.
What drawings are included in our comprehensive Working drawings for the Building Permit? Read about them.
What is the Architecture, Town Planning and Building Permit  process for a property subdivision? Read about it here.
Whether you are doing a small dual occupancy two lot subdivision; a multi unit townhouse development subdivision or a greenfield site subdivision  we offer full  design and town planning services. 
But before we go down the development process, we assess your property development goals, analyse the site and measure it against the Council's regulations and policies. We follow through with  an opinion on the site's capability to support a quality extension, a dual occupancy subdivision, a  townhouse or unit development or a commercial development. Get your development opinion now. If the opinion fits your development  goals, our next step is that high level sketch design  to get you moving forward. Expertise @ realistic fees!
If you are thinking of building one house on a block, chances are you might not need Council's consent. We will start the design and working drawings and obtain  a Building Permit from an external Building Surveyor. On the other other hand if your project  requires  Council consent  for a house on a block less than 300 sqm , or a dual occ, townhouse, apartment, commercial or industrial project we will design, write the town planning report, co ordinate and obtain other reports if required  and apply to Council for Town Planning Consent. Other reports. if applicable to your property,  may include a BMO assessment, an arborist report, a CHMP exemption, a Traffic engineer's report to name some.  A typical project requires the architecture, town planning and building permit documents..
Greenfield subdivision lot design
Construction know how

We will prepare everything you need to get your dream home, extension or property development documents to the builder. it starts from the  sketch design for discussion then  evolving into final town planning plans and elevations which are then detailed for building permit approval so that your builder can estimate the tender with a high degree of accuracy. This is a checklist we work on.


1. Site Assessment preliminary

Our journey starts with a site assessment to determine what built form the proposed unit development will take.We measure against Council planning policy on a desktop basis. Get your Free! Subdivision Analysis today!









2. Detailed yield

The next stage is when you need more detailed information as to the size and development yield.  We charge a nominal fee to cover costs, which is fully  refundable when we proceed to Town Planning stage.


If you are doing just one custom designed house on the land, chances are you might not need a Town Planning approval subject to meeeting zoning, minimum lot size   and overlay requirements. However more than one unit will require a planning permit. 


3. Design brief and Sketch design

After a detailed site assessment, we will meet you to discuss your wish list- the design brief. You will tell us your design preferences which will underpin our  preliminary sketch designs ready for the next stage for discussion. Once you are pleased with the concept, we will make any refinements as required and proceed to. the  detailed design stage.


4. Detailed design

The detailed  design drawings will include the existing conditions, site survey by a registered surveyor, neighbourhood study, all site, floor and roof plans, elevations, sections, 3D view to name some. A written report may be included.


5. Town Planning Management

This process is time consuming and essential to obtain a planning approval. This is covered in the next column.Please remember, no planning approval means no development!


6.Town Planning Permit

Once a town planning approval is granted, we will attend to the Permit conditions pertaining to the design. Other conditions may require engineering design, landscape design and other external consultant inputs.






7. Working drawings

At working drawing stage we work with the builder  and yourself to select and specify the materials, fittings and finishes so that your builder can provide a fixed price.


The working drawings by registered professionals will further develop and detail  the stamped Town Planning drawings so that a builder can price the job. 


Services we provide:


Architectural Documentation 

Building Permit and Construction documentation


A00 Title sheet and General notes

A100 Site Plan- Existing conditions and demolition 1:100/1:200

A101 Site Plan- Proposed works- 1:200

A200 Ground + Level 1 Floor Plans- 1:100

A210 Ground + Level 1 Reflected Ceiling plans- 1:100

A220 Roof Plan- 1:100

A300 External Elevations- 1:100

A400 Building Sections- 1:100

A500 Wall Sections- 1:20

A600 Detail Plans and internal elevations- 1:50

A700 Construction Details- 1:5 /1:10

A800 Wall, Window and Door Schedules-1:50

A900 Joinery Details 1:20/1:50

Product and Material/Fittings and Fixtures Schedule

Full Architectural Specification

Town Planning Application(Permit)


The town planning stage can  be the most challenging stage as there are several parties to bring onside who  include  the local Victorian Council's town planning department, their traffic, environmental, waste and urban design departments.  


" No planning permit means no build. A planning approval is your license to start development!"


The  external authorities like the CFA, Vic Roads, Melbourne Water, sewer and storm water asset holders  will also  need to consent to an approval if the land comes under their jurisdiction through an overlay or asset.


By comparison the building stage is more controllable.












We provide a full management service from lodgement of Town Planning Application for the dual occ, townhouse or unit development  and move on   to responding to Council requests for further information, negotiating with objectors if any and attend VCAT should there be a challenge to granting a decision by an objector.


The workflow for Town Planning can be simply summarised as:


  • Prepare Town Planning documents and reports

  • Submit to your local Melbourne Council

  • Receive acknowledgement of receipt and planning officer name  handling the application

  • Liaise with the planning officer

  • Receive the Request(s) for Further Information (RFI)

  • Respond the the RFI(s)

  • Advertise the Application

  • Manage the objections by phone or consultation

  • Liaise vigorously with Council officers and Councillors as needs be and attend meetings

  • A decision is issued by Council

  • VCAT attendance is charged out separately


As a consultant I have been responsible for and worked to obtain multiple town planning permits from Melbourne metropolitan  and regional Councils including  Banyule, Bayside, City of Ballarat, Boroondara, Brimbank, Cardinia, Casey, Darebin, Frankston, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, City of Geelong,Hobsons Bay, Hume, Kingston, Knox, Manningham, Maribyrnong, Maroondah, Melbourne, Melton, Monash, Moonee Valley, Moreland, Mornington Peninsula, Macedon Ranges Shire,  Nillumbik, Port Phillip, Stonnington, Whitehorse, Whittlesea, Wyndham, Yarra and Yarra Ranges Planning Schemes.


Property Subdivision Process


The Property subdivision process can take various forms. One can obtain a planning permit and subdivision permit approved from your local council. Once the property owner fulfils the subdivision Permit conditions they are ready to lodge the new lots with the Titles Offices.


If one is building the project, then it makes sense to register the titles when all services are in as part of the development.


In green field sites, the lots are registered after the services including roads, crossovers, drainage works are completed.



The Town Planning Workflow.

It starts with design an ends with Permit Conditions to be addressed. Read on

Building Permit & Subdivision


A multi lot subdivision requires a good understanding of Council planning scheme and the future vision. Design must take into account the new road design, on site detention system, landscaping and vegetation management and design of build able lots.


We have documented, managed  and been involved with the building stages for dual occupancy homes, townhouse projects, apartments, retail and commercial, health, education to name a few disciplines. 


We can provide  and co ordinate other consultants as required :


  1. Architectural Documentation

  2. Structural Engineer Documentation

  3. Civil Engineer Documentation

  4. Energy Report

  5. Electrical documentation

  6. Land Surveyor for subdivision

  7. Marketing  Render- optional

  8. Management of consultants and administration

  9. Tender evaluation- optional

  10. Building Surveyor



The Building stage for a residential project like a dual occupancy  can be broken into the following  stages:


  • Preconstruction

  • Construction preliminaries

  • Base Stage

  • Frame Stage

  • Lockup

  • Fix

  • Completion


Learn about the seven stages of construction for your dual occupancy.


We can recommend a builder if you require one. 


We can recommend all the external consultants- from surveyor to engineers and  arborist if you need one.




Planning Application process
Free! Dual Occupancy Site assessment
Hobsons Bay Council
Darebin Council
Boroondara Council
Moonee Valey Council
Macedon Ranges Council
Banyule Council
stonnington Council
maribyrnong council


There are four stages involved with the Subdivision. They are summarised as follows:


  1. A planning permit for subdivision is granted  under the provisions of the local government's  Planning Scheme

  2. Council certifies the plan of subdivision, which approves the subdivision under the Subdivision Act 1988

  3. Thereafter the Applicant must meet the Permit conditions (eg installing the required services like sewer, power etc or  building crossover if required under the Permit). A Statement of Compliance is then issued. 

  4. Your conveyancer or representative can then lodge the documents with  Land Victoria, which allows new titles to be issued for each lot created under the subdivision. Read more

Property Subdivision Steps
Town Planning Steps

Learn more on each step involved with your subdivision- from site analysis to design, town planning, Councils, building docs, subdivision process and more. Read on...

town planning workflow
Tow Planning steps
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